Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Convergence of Festivals through Kanaway

With the belief that “Kanaway” or northwind brings with its
distinctive caress, a wind that signals the beginning of change, the
municipalities in northern Iloilo takes pride in celebrating the third
Kanaway Festival last March 3-4, 2012. This unique merriment and
cultural celebration is the convergence of six festivals such as
Tampisaw Festival of Concepcion, Panagat Festival of Estancia, Patubas
Festival of Barotac Viejo, Tambobo Festival of Ajuy, Sulay Basya
Festival of Sara and Saug Festival of Lemery. Non-participating
festival this year is Panulo Festival of Batad. Each festival and town
highlighted their distinct cultural heritage and way of celebrating
life through a culture-based Mardi Gras competition on March 5 at
Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Estancia Main campus. The
parade of festivals in the town proper of Estancia took place in the
morning followed by Mardi Gras competition in the afternoon. They
crowned their Ulitawo and Lin-ay Sang Kanaway 2012, a beauty pageant
competition for male and female role models of each festival in the
evening. The talent competition was previously held last March 3, 7pm
at Estancia Town Plaza. Other activities and competitions during the
festival include painting contest, on-the-spot festival attire-making
contest, cultural exhibits, merrymaking and body painting contest.
Kanaway Festival was conceptualized and initiated by Dr. Joel P.
Limson, President of Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College. The
festival was warmly embraced by the institution’s various campuses and
gathered momentum to become a full-blown annual cultural event in the
northern part of Iloilo Province.

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